
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Muzikdizcovery Exclusive First Listen: Ex Friends - Model Minority

Though 2012 is drawing to a close, there’s still no shortage of great music being released even at this junction point between years, and we at Muzikdizcovery have the privilege of streaming some of that great music right now. “Model Minority” is a blistering one-and-a-half minute onslaught of punk goodness, and there’s really not all that much more that anyone could want from a straight punk song like this. The guitars wail, the drums pound furiously, and one can hear the phlegm rattling around in lead singer Joel Tannenbaum’s throat as he growls about the pains of being seen and judged as a member of a certain ethnicity instead of as a complex, three-dimensional human being. It hits the nail on the head as far as songwriting goes - you can appreciate it at the surface level and have a good time headbanging, you can read deeply into it and realize the importance of Ex Friends’ message, or you can do both at the same time. Twisted Around, Ex Friends' newest EP, comes out January 29th, and this song whets the appetite well.

We're incredibly grateful to the band, Yo Yo Records, and Beartrap PR for allowing us to stream the full song exclusively on MuzikDizcovery. Have a listen below.