
Monday, October 8, 2012

Artist of the Day: 17f

It wasn't so long ago that Giles Corey followed up on his revered self-titled debut with Deconstructionist, an EP which seemed to stretch just a little bit further into the experimental netherworld than many of his fans were eager to stretch. Gone were the hazy acoustic crones for the 'post-industrialist' (his words) age, and in came the drone. People just weren't ready for it. So in our mini little scramble for a little more of the good stuff - a scramble that has admittedly been calmed somewhat following the GY!BE frenzy - I present 17f. Not Giles Corey mk. 2 by any means, but cut of the same acoustic/ folky/ dark/ psychadelic cloth, and every bit as good.
In September this year 17f released The Boy Who Cried Wolf, and it's just as brilliant as anyone could have hoped. Hopping gently from slow acoustic camp fire songs, to monologues of his inner thoughts and beautiful post-rock segments, it's an album that constantly throws out surprises. I'm on the fence at the moment as to whether this album should be highly praised or thrown to the dogs (or should I say wolves... I'm sorry), but for now it's absolutely mesmerising. Certainly one of the most interesting albums of the year - it's just a shame that so many popular bands had to come along and deny its glory.