
Friday, June 22, 2012

Artist of the Day: Fierce Brosnan

Although today’s Artist of the Day has technically been dead in the dirt for some time now, Fierce Brosnan is more than deserving of a minute in the spotlight.  The New Jersey four-piece just released their one and only full length, Good Luck Exploding, comprised of 11 shamelessly catchy punk tunes that were originally recorded nearly two years ago.  Now that the tracks have finally seen the light of day, one cannot help but wonder why the band took so long to finish something so frankly awesome.  Combining hearty, anthemic vocals (a la Iron Chic) with dancey rhythms and emo/math-rock inspired guitar riffs, the final product strives to be unique yet retains the familiarity and appeal of the gruffer side of the pop punk spectrum.  “Joneric,” for example, highlights the album’s best qualities with infectious group vocals and standout guitar playing, but most importantly, the song captures the undeniable essence of “fun” (through the use of celebratory shouting and background chatter) that makes the record so enjoyable.  Though Fierce Brosnan are unfortunately no longer a band, Good Luck Exploding is an excellent testament to the band’s short-lived existence, and captures every ounce of heart and authenticity that went into the record. 

Check out the record here



  2. Also released on cassette tape here: 
