Consisting of about two hours worth of music, detailing The Color Spectrum is quite a daunting task. It isn’t an album, per se, but a collection of nine separate and distinct EPs, each containing four songs a piece. However, the band has put together a wonderfully packaged release, with all nine EPs in tow. Trudging through the collection is a labor of love, as hours upon hours will be enjoyably spent on sifting through everything The Color Spectrum has to offer. There truly is an inconceivable amount of depth to be found here. The variety is quite literally astounding, with each EP having its own flavor and personality. Whether it be the languid electronic of the Indigo EP of the organic sounds of the Green EP, The Color Spectrum contains something for just about everyone. However, for longtime fans, adventurers, or just plain music aficionados, the entire package will be something you will want to spend time with.
In talking with the many who have heard the collection, the one thing I have come across was the amount of variety of “favorites.” Not one EP has amassed a glut of people exclaiming it as their favorite. Some love the alt-rock centered Red EP, whilst others (myself included) find beauty and excitement in the White EP. The poppy Yellow EP and the near industrial Black EP also have their fair share of admirers as well. As stated previously, there truly is something here for everyone, and if you don’t like one colored EP, you may very well become enamored with another. This sentiment is testament to the creativity and excellence in songwriting that The Dear Hunter so deftly displays. The Color Spectrum is a massive musical endeavor, and one that really shouldn’t be taken too lightly. The amount of time sunk into it is indicative of the amount of enjoyment that will be received, as it is a release that gives back what it receives. However, even the most capricious listening will yield enjoyment.
The Color Spectrum is a marvel and one of the most exhilarating releases so far this year. Fans and newcomers alike will find something to revel in here, as The Dear Hunter has catered to either camps. I can’t recommend the project highly enough, but don’t just listen to me, release all reservations and jump in to everything The Color Spectrum has to offer.
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